SPS 2007 Sponsors
($10,000 +)

$7,500 to $9,999

$5,000 to $7,499

$3,000 to $4,999

Up to $2,999

B. Kinter &
Terry Timberlake-Kinter

Abstract Guidelines
Abstract Submissions for the 2007 Meeting
to On-Line Abstract Submission
Abstract and Poster Information
All abstracts will be published in the SPS Abstract & Program
Book. In addition, authors are invited to have their abstracts published in
the Journal
of Pharmacological & Toxicological Methods. Abstracts should describe the
aims of the work, methods, and the key experimental findings in a clear and
succinct manner. Brevity is important to adhere with the publication guidelines
of JPTM. All abstracts will be reviewed for scientific content and the Abstract
Committee reserves the right to refuse abstracts that do not adhere to publication
guidelines. It is hoped that abstracts and posters will be the first presentations
of the study represented.
Junior Investigator Poster Contest
Junior Investigators are encouraged to participate in the Junior Investigator
Poster Competition. Cash prizes will be awarded to the most outstanding posters
based on both the poster itself as well as discussions with the Abstract Committee
Poster Competition judges. If you are interested in participating in the Junior
Investigator Poster Competition, please check the appropriate selection on
the on-line submission form. Junior Investigator presenter must be present
during judging. Please see Poster guidelines for allowable size of poster.
NOTE—To participate in the Junior Investigator
Travel Award AND the Poster Contest, two separate abstracts are
needed: a 500 word abstract submitted by e-mail (see Junior Investigator
and/or Student Award) AND a 250 word abstract submitted on-line,
details below.
Directions for Submitting Abstracts On-Line*:
Please prepare your abstract in a word processing program, using Times
12, spell check and proofread, and copy into appropriate data entry field
the on-line submission form. Each text entry field has character limits,
as follows:
Title: UPPERCASE letter only (120 characters)
Presenting Author: List first author only (25 characters)
Affiliation: Institution name, city, country (100 characters)
Abstract Body: 1600 characters with spaces. Tables and graphs should not
be included. Please be aware that special characters (superscript, etc)
and exponents may not appear. If they are critical, please electronically
submit as a PDF to SPS Headquarters,
so they may verified/edited against the web downloaded version. Additional
Authors: List secondary authors, separated by comma (220 characters). If the
author list exceeds the 220 character limit, please electronically submit the
abstract, as a PDF, to: SPS Headquarters.
*These are the standards set by Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological
Methods for publication of abstracts.
BY midnight EDT July 16, 2007: A submitted abstract may
be edited on line prior to midnight EDT July 16, 2007. To perform
edits online, you will need your email address and abstract id
number for this purpose (found on your abstract confirmation
of receipt).
Abstracts will only be received via this on-line system.
Please contact SPS Headquarters if
you are having problems.
If you do not receive a confirmation of submission within two days, submit
the abstract again.
Generally all abstracts are accepted for poster presentations. If your abstract
is not accepted you will be notified in early August.
Continue to On-Line Abstract Submission