SPS 2007 Sponsors
($10,000 +)

$7,500 to $9,999

$5,000 to $7,499

$3,000 to $4,999

Up to $2,999

B. Kinter &
Terry Timberlake-Kinter

Invitation to Attend
Invitation to attend the 2007 SPS Meeting
Dear Colleagues,
Safety pharmacology has become an integral part of the safety testing of
new drugs. The Safety Pharmacology Society (SPS) has, since its
inception in 2000, been the leading scientific forum bringing together
basic and industrial scientists with the goal of optimizing the way in
which this important work is done. Effective early safety testing will
be imperative in bringing new treatments to market that are not only
effective but safe in a wide, diverse patient population.
Our SPS mission is to support education exchange and innovation in the field
of Safety Pharmacology.
The Annual Meeting of the Safety Pharmacology Society is our main event to reach
these ends. On behalf of the SPS Officers and Board
of Directors, we would like to invite you and your colleagues to attend
our 7th Annual Meeting between 19-21 September 2007 in the beautiful
city of Edinburgh (Scotland) at the Edinburgh International Conference
Centre, UK.
The 2007 meeting will offer a broad Continuing Education program both on an
introductory level as well as advanced courses for the expert. In an effort
to support attendance from our younger colleagues, please not the Junior Investigator
Travel Awards from all main regions. Also, please consider submitting an abstract
for presentation as a poster. From these submissions a variety will also be
selected for short oral communications.
We cordially invite you to become a member, get
involved in our ongoing activities and join us in Edinburgh Scotland for
our 7th Annual SPS Meeting this September!!!
Dr. Brian D. Guth,
President 2007
Program Committee Chair
Dr. Ian MacKenzie,
Vice President 2007
Board of Directors 2007, Safety Pharmacology Society